
Symbol vs Amount in Dollars
$ = 5-30
$$ = 40-90
$$$ = 100-190
$$$$ = 200+

Why the sustainable fashion index?

I believe that expressing yourself through fashion in a sustainable way is powerful, and this website is meant to make the transition from fast to slow fashion smoother. It can be heard to disconnect from giant retailers and finding companies that are ACTUALLY sustainable is difficult. This is why I have thoroughly researched each brand featured on this site for you, to insure that your money is put to something you believe in, and my tutorials aim to help you discover how to rewear and reimagine your clothing to lessen your impact on the planet.

A Note on Privilege 

Shopping sustainably can often be expensive, as ethically made products are expensive. It is important to recognize that not everyone has the ability to quit fast fashion. Buying at thrift stores is a cheaper (although more time consuming) option, but not everyone has the same experiences thrifting. Plus-size people do not have the same number of options. This must be taken into account when purchasing items to alter or “thrift flip”. Buying pieces way bigger than you and altering them is taking away from bigger bodies who find it harder to find cute clothes in thrift stores. Thrift stores are an inexhaustible resource as clothes are donated daily, but as they are often the only option for low income families, it is important while thrifting to consider what you really need and what could go to someone who would love it more. Buy only what you will use and keep your privilege in mind. Consumerism is the source of ecological damage caused by the fashion industry. By shopping sustainably, buying less items that will last longer, and altering clothes you already have, you can decrease your carbon footprint and slow the growth of fast fashion. 

Questions to consider while thrifting/shopping:

Will someone else love this more?

Is this my size?

Do I already have an item like this?

Will I wear this for a long time?

Is this a trend that will die in a few months?

Is this good quality/will it last a long time?

Can I repair any damage?